Friday, 20 May 2016

What I'm lusting over this May

Ah lust, it's a funny thing. If I loved all of these products, they'd already be in my possession, alas pay day is still 11 days away and all I can do is dream and wait... 

Nars Sheer Glow foundation - AH! This is so loved and appreciated by 60% of everyone I know, as well as people all over the internet. I can't wait any longer, I need to purchase it and I need to know if its worth the hype. I am a big lover of drug store foundations, with the exception of the Estee Lauder Double Wear. So It's time to move on to bigger and possibly better things. Well, at least try to. I'm NC15 with Mac, does anyone know a good colour match?

Too Faced Sweet Peach palette -  The newest addition to the Too Faced palette family, this has been raved and raved about. I love the Chocolate Bar palettes, they are super pigmented and blend-able, plus the colour range is great. The Sweet Peach has the prettiest colour range I could imagine and is going to be perfect for summer. Bring on the blending, and the smell of peach... Mmmm, dreamy.

Hydrate M8 water bottle - this is a random one! I have a thing about bottles. Things just taste better out of a bottle! This summer I am going to make a concious effort to up my water intake. These bottles have a clever measuring line down them to help you notice when you should have drank your water and what time. Obviously you should be drinking 2L a day, hopefully with this bad boy, that's going to be sooo much easier to achieve! 

Mary Lou manizer highlight - Another product that's been raved about until people were blue in the face. I have a habit of picking up hyped items late. I've been meaning to pick this up for a long time and just never got round to it. This highlight is super, super pigmented and gives the perfect glow which is going to be great for summer. Come at me, Mary, I need you. 

Summer Peach Yankee Candle - OK, I'm seeing some kind of peach theme here. I have a serious love for Yankee Candles, there's nothing wrong with others. I just feel these have the best smell strength. I really don't need this, I have so many but this should 100% be in my collection. I prefer the sweeter smelling candles so this should be perfect for me! 

OFRA Cosmetics liquid lipsticks - OFRA have boomed over the last few months and we've all been loving it. Well, most of us. Not me! I'm yet to test drive anything OFRA so no time like the present to dive in head first. I'm dying to try Pasadena, Plumas & Manhattan! 

If you have any experience of the above products, please let me know your opinions of them in the comments! If you liked this post, please like, share and follow me on Bloglovin'- that way you'll never miss out!  Remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more! 



  1. The Mary Lou Manizer is also on my wishlist! I will definitely be checking out the other products now!x

    Erin // Everything Erin


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