Monday, 16 May 2016

Snog, marry, avoid?

So let's think about something that gave me a bit of a fright many moons ago when I was getting into the makeup scene! With so many products and brands out there, feeding our addictions can be a bit intimidating at times. When I first started out something I didn't think about were lipstick finishesIsn't a lipstick just a... Lipstick? Ah no, how my younger self was naive. I just thought there was a "matte" lip and a "normal/glossy" lip. I've come a long way since then... Thank you Mac. So let's have a chat about 3 different finishes and how I feel about them!
*The natural light is never good to me*. I've based this post (another one, I know) on Mac products, but I think finish wise, any brand will do the same. So today I've challenged Cremesheen, Matte and Retro Matte together.
Disclaimer - these listicks are from my collection and do seem a bit grubby when pictured. Also please excuse my un-lined lips, I just wanted to show how they would appear in "real life"
 So let's start from the beginning. And I mean, the beginning. Cremecup by Mac was the first Mac product I ever bought and I have bought 3 of them since! Cremecup is a nudey-pink with a Cremesheen finish. Cremesheen is exactly how it sounds, creamy. Although cremesheens aren't my favourite finish, I do like them. They are easy to glide over your lips both during your makeup routine or for a touch up along the way. However I personally don't think the staying power of Cremesheens aren't great... That's probably why I've got through so many. They have a glossy finish and will leave your lips hydrated throughout most of the day! Colour wise, Cremesheens could be a bit bolder. But you can't win them all!
Verdict: Snog👄

Next up is Retro Matte. For me, only one word can describe this lipstick; gross. I have quite the selection of lipsticks, a Big Mac collection and plenty of other brands. However this is the only Retro Matte I own. I bought this on a whim as I liked the name - Runway Hit. But from first wear, I hated it!!! I felt like I was running a child's crayon over my lips. I have always been one for trying things more then once, but with this, I just couldn't. My love of matte lipsticks made me think this would be great. I was wrong. I don't know if this is the case with all lipsticks this finish but Runway Hit is horrid. I find I need a good 3 coats before I see any colour. These lipsticks are just so dry, they are hard to put on, incredibly drying - i felt like my lips were going scabby. *vomits* - and tbh, the colours just not all that great. Even with lip balm on first, we don't get along. I have never bought this finish since and unless someone can put me right... I never plan to! What experience has everyone else had with retro matte lipsticks? 
Verdict: Avoid. Like the plague. ❌❌❌
Last but by no means least, matte. I'm sorry guys but I just love a matte lippy from Mac. So you probably already know the verdict of this... For this post I used the colour, Kinda Sexy. This is a great colour for everyday wear with the perfect finish. Although these lipsticks do dry matte, they are a pleasure to apply. I do find that on some days they can dry my lips out a little more then they do others. But with a bit of Nivea on my smackers before hand, I don't even notice it. I find these finishes, especially by Mac, pack the most punch colour wise and their staying powers are great, some days I don't even need another top up! These finishes can often look they will give a good shine when in the bullets but once on the lips, all the shine disappears. Mattes have a much more thicker formula, ensuring that you can get away with only 1 quick glide over your lips before you're out the door, let's face it, that's always handy.
Verdict: Marry💍💄
There are around 9 different finishes in the Mac world, and I'd love to take a look at some more in the future, these were just the 3 I had to hand at the time.

What's your favourite lipstick finish? If you liked this post, please like, share and follow me on Bloglovin'- that way you'll never miss out!  Remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more! 



  1. I love the way you've done this post! Such a creative way to review! Matte shades are always the best choice, although I do get slightly confused at the amount of finishes MAC have! x


    1. Thanks, beaut! I'm tempted to review them all!


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