Thursday, 5 May 2016

What I learnt, growing up in Hertfordshire.

Just down the road from London, lies a magical county. Everyone knows it's name, but sadly, not many people know where it actually is. Hertfordshire is just north and on the very out skirts of London.  Although I had a great time growing up, both as child and teen. There are a number of things that have made my life what it is. If you're from/around Herts, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about...

1. We will tell you we're from London... Outer London. It just makes life easier and avoids you having to try and answer the question "where is Hertfordshire?". Just go with it. 

2. Our "big nights out", are spent in the toilets of an Oceana (preferably Oceana, Watford), crying into our Vodka Slushes about the fact our spray tans have gone patchy and your ex has called your mate "fit" out in the smoking area. 

3. If you're over, I don't know, the age of 23... You're practically to old to go for said night out! The beauty that is Oceana is full of 18 year old's and you feel like you're baby sitting... For this reason you get even drunker, embarrassing yourself in front of all  the "kiddies", unaware of how you got home, nor why you shared your bed with a half eaten kebab. 

4. Don't fancy a kebab? Our Pizza deliveries and often open until 5am! 

5. If a young man passes his driving test, he will probably insure an old shaped Corsa as his first car. Being in the "Corsa Club" is often seen as a right of passage. These young men often then like to go out and drive around with all the other young men and their Corsa's. Or, if they don't feel like driving around aimlessly, you will probably find a number of them in your nearest McDonald's car park. 

6. If you're lucky, you may get to witness someone on the back of a horse, picking up their cheeseburger from the McDonald's "drive" through. 

7. Most of us, have met a "celebrity" or two... No, no, I didn't bump into Kanye at the Co-op! However up in Borehamwood, they film the likes of Big Brother and Eastenders... They do in fact live among us. Although you were excited the first time you saw Lucy Beale in New Look, you are no longer phased. Oh, and yes! To us, Eastenders characters are celebrities

8. We are also living amongst the likes of The Grove and and Warner Bros Studios, so If Obhama is playing golf, we know about it. And when we realise that The Legend of Tarzan, is being made up the road from us... We get a bit fan girl-y. 

9. We've probably also, at some point, driven past the surrounding areas of the studios and caught them filming something or another! 

10. Yes, most of us have been to the Harry Potter Studios Tour. Yes, its amazing. Except the Butterbeer.

11. As soon as the suns out, so are the guns. If the temperature rises by 5 degrees, the lads put on their tank tops and the girls pull out their short shorts, its like being in Spain, but you're in... England...

12. If you'd like to go for a walk in the "countryside", you normally can... because you probably live up the road from it.

13. Everyone, is everyone's cousin. Even if you've not heard someone's name in 5 years, I bet they will be one of your friends' cousins.

14. Nobody ever leaves... We all complain we live in our  boring towns in our boring county... But would we leave to live in the centre of London? No.  

15. Most people on Facebook do not know proper grammar. Everyday I discover another person using the word "he's" instead of "his". Grammar is not my strong point at all, but come on... 

16. Most people in Hemel Hempstead, under the age of 25, work at ASOS.

17. We all think we're photogrophers with tree's growing around us like...
... "WOAH, like at my amazing photography skills!"

Although some what, negative. Alas, I live here and I could make a list 10x longer then this. I do admit, I am another one of those people that will never leave Hertfordshire, I moan constantly... But home is home. What quirky things do you love about where you're from? Let me know in the comments below and make sure you give me a follow for future posts like this! 

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