Tuesday, 10 May 2016

My goals for Summer '16

Summer! Its the season that brings out the best in most of us. For some its the beautiful natural tan they'll gain, for others its the ability to sit in the beer garden till closing. For me, everything just looks a bit more special and beautiful when the summer sun is bouncing off of it. Like on New Years Eve when you make a resolution or two, most of us also make goals for summer. Here are a few of mine:

Make the most of every day. 

Because I often work nights, I'm a sucker for staying in bed all day, whenever I can! But as soon as the sun starts coming out and I've gotten out of bed at 1pm, I regret it! I hate feeling like I've lost half my day. In the winter I don't mind, I can hibernate and eat junk food! Its cold, wet and windy outside and I'm not missing out on anything if I don't get up! In summer, its a whole new story! Why not get up and cease the day? Go on a road trip, just go for a walk! 

 Go to cornwall!
This ones a bit of a random one but.. I've never been to Cornwall! So this year I'm (hopefully) going to go! It just looks so beautiful in everyone's photo's and I think me and my Mr could do with a night or two away! We love a good beach! It's quite a drive but as long as the weathers good, it'll be so worth it! Does anyone have any recommendations of where to stay etc? Let me know in the comments! 

Get into yoga
Since January I've been wanting to try new things, classes, recipe's... Anything new! I did do the whole "New year, new diet!" thing, but I got stuck at 9 pounds and haven't thought about it since! I think yoga is going to be a good class to start with. I often find myself stressed out over silly things, not being able to leave work at work and laying in bed at night with all my worries. Maybe a bit of yoga will also help clear my head and help me to empty my worry barrels, as well as making me feel better about my self! I'd also like to try spinning classes, but, baby steps! 

Learn to braid my hair
OK. My hair. I straighten it everyday. I know I know, oh my god its so bad for you blah blah blah. What would I look like otherwise? All I can say is, Monica, in Barbados.
So this is me! Except I'm not as skinny as Courteney Cox *one day*. its a mess. Now I'm not one for jumping on band wagons all that much. Nor am I looking to finally be able to braid my hair and show everyone on Instagram or snapchat like "oooooh my gawd look at meh braids, so on fleek". Nah. I'd just like to learn a new skill I can use for the rest of my life! I can't sport my messy bun for the rest of my life, its time I came to terms with that. 

Make study plans
 OK this is a bit of a dull one. So as it stands, I have 2 level 3's. If you're not in the UK, I'll quickly explain... Over here, when in high school we do a bunch of exams called the GCSE's. Once that's over we either stay at school to do another bunch of exams called A Levels, or we go to college (not university), to study different qualifications. Said qualifications start at a level 1, and end after level 3. So yeah, I have a level 3 in Childcare & Education and a level 3 in Health & Social Care. Alas, I still don't know which I prefer of the two. I'd like to go up to university level eventually, but I need to sit down with myself and work out what I really want to study, to such a high degree, long term! 

So, as mentioned I often work night shifts. What night shifts? I hear you ask! Not any night shifts... 24 hour shifts! I also, often bank around 220 of work every month. I know, I'm crazy. Imagine working all those hours, spending time with your long term boyfriend AND keeping up with your social life?! It's impossible and I often go months without seeing some of my best gal pals, so this summer, with some annual leave booked off I just want us to all get together, eat sausages off the BBQ and sip home made cocktails out of mason jars. Summer nights are for making memories, even if they are just smiles and the sounds of laughter, so why not? Also, I don't currently own a BBQ, so I'd better buy one of those to! 

Have you had any thoughts about your goals for this summer, yet? If you liked this post, please like, share and follow me on Bloglovin'- that way you'll never miss out!  Remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more! 



  1. These are great goals for the summer especially the hair braiding! I lol'd at the Monica picture!
    I haven't given any thought about the summer... just trying to stay cool and not get burned.

    1. Lets not discuss sunburn!!! I am one of those people that looks like Casper the friendly ghost. I remember being 12 and in Cyprus for 2 weeks, a little boy said I looked like I'd been hiding in a freezer! The only way I can tan is to burn myself first haha!!

  2. I defo need to start braiding my hair and doing something exciting with it and omg those episodes with Monica's hair are so funny omg hahaha

    lovely post! xx

    1. just realised I said omg twice... oops

    2. Thanks for your lovely comment, beaut:)! Me to! My hair is either down, or in a bun. Every now and then I'll push the boat out and use a hair donut but I can't wait to (hopefully) bring out the braids!
      P.s - you can never say omg enough! Don't worry!


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