Friday, 1 December 2017

My Makeup Brush oval brush review AD*

As a makeup lover, it's no surprise that its not just cosmetics i'm obsessed with. As well as all of the eye shadow palettes in the land, I also need all of the beauty blenders, brushes and storage options I can get my hands on. If it's pretty, I need it. Earlier on this year the land of makeup brushed exploded with the hype of the oval brush taking the limelight. I don't always follow the other sheep in the flock, and I didn't feel like I needed to purchase them and stuck to my trusty Zoeva's. However when My Makeup Brush Set contacted me about a collaboration I was thrilled to find a set of oval brushes on my door step. 

*brushes did not want to stay in place for photo*

Included in the set: 

Concealer Brush

Lip Brush

Eyeliner Brush

Contour Brush

Blusher Brush

These brushes are beautiful and easy on the eye. They're sleek and sexy with rose gold hardware and black handles, housed in a smart black velvet pouch. They're strong and sturdy and my new favourite way of applying some aspects of my makeup. The concealer brush is by far my favourite! My dark circles are covered perfectly and evenly with minimum effort. The brush hairs are super soft and the perfect density to make each brush perfect in its own right. I did notice some shedding on the first and second use but since then the brushes have survived further makeup applications.

It took me a few tries to get used to actually using and holding these oval brushes, they're not the same as using a sponge or bog standard "shaped" straight brushes - obviously. It's been strangely odd getting used to how the brushes are curved. 

I found the small round lip brush wasn't for me, that may be just because I like using the applicators that come with a lipstick. I'm not one to buy a lipstick palette that requires a brush to apply, I either buy liquid lipsticks with an applicator or lipstick bullets. I see why it could work for some, but for me it wasn't a brush I need. I also found the eyeliner brush didn't work for me but that could just be the fact I suck at eyeliner and apparently, no brush or applicator will change that. 

The blusher brush is a great size and useful for other powders such as bronzers and maybe even highlighters as well. The contour brush is great - its blends product fabulously but is just a bit to small, it would be useful if it was a bit bigger. 


It's been great discovering a new type of makeup brush, although I'm not overly sold on the entire set, I do now have some brushes to add to my everyday makeup routine! My Makeup Brush Set are well worth a look into if you're on a budget and want to try a new way of applying your makeup!

*My recipe for the perfect flawless look @mymakeupbrushset brushes do all the hard work for you! Check out these awesome brushes from enter code SAVEWITHLOVELIBBYXX at checkout --- and receive 10% off your entire purchase!*


Wednesday, 29 November 2017

10 things your childcare provider wants you to know

I won't sugar coat it for you, working in childcare can suck some days. A lot of days. You work long hours, have minimal breaks, and spend all day thinking about numbers and safety ratios that half the time you don't even get to leave the room to go to the toilet. After long, busy days at full capacity comes staff meetings and training sessions and life in general. It can be tough, it really can. And much to a lot of peoples surprise, a career in childcare does not consist of changing the odd nappy here and there and spending your day playing with Lego, I wish it was - sometimes I can change 45 nappies a day! I've worked with children for the past 7 years now, I've worked in private early years settings, been a self employed nanny (not as glorious as Mary Poppins makes it out to be) and managed early years teams in extra curricular settings like holiday camps. I've met the rudest and the nicest parents and their children have given me some memories I will cherish for a life time. But how much do you really know about what happens at your nursery/early years setting every day? Or what your childcare provider really thinks?...


1) Sometimes we have bad days.
Like it or not, we're just like you and we too sometimes get up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes our alarms don't wake us up and we wake up to find we've got 17 minutes to get up, dressed and in the building before you do to ensure your child's safety is handled. Sometimes we sit in traffic for hours on the simplest route just to take care of your children for the day. Whatever the situation, you can bet your life that (most of us) will always do our best to greet you with a smile and confidence when you step through our door at 7:30am. As I said, we all have bad days, so please remember that when you are biting our heads off because you couldn't get in the car park and have to get to the train station in 4 minutes which is a 6 minute drive. We know, life can suck.

2) Every child is different.
Some parents just don't understand that, mainly those with only 1 child. I once heard a parent complaining to a colleague that they'd been to a dinner party and a friends child could draw circles better then hers (perfect dinner party conversation) and that she didn't understand why we weren't teaching her child better. Honestly, some of the things parents complain about would baffle you. Yes, maybe little Jenny can draw that circle better then little Micky but is she potty trained like he is? Can she identify the shapes that he can? All children are different, they are actual little people. Just like you and me, they learn things at different paces, excel in some subjects but are weaker in others, they have their own identities. If your 3 year old can't write his name, please do not be to concerned, the day they learn will bring you so much joy, they will get there, when they are ready.

3) There are important policies and procedures we have to follow.
We know, its really annoying that you cant answer your incredibly loud ringing phone whilst in the building, its annoying that you can't take a photo of your child having a good time, and its a real pain in the arse when you have to wait for us to buzz you into the building to protect every child inside it. Like it or not, these policies are in place for a reason, to keep everyone safe. No we can't give your child the medicine that's not labelled by a pharmacist and no you can not drop off your child 40 minutes before your session starts. If we had no rules, your child wouldn't be safe. Yes they are sometimes annoying, but not as annoying as it'd be to pick up and find they'd had a 40 degree temperature and we hadn't bothered to let you know because we'd just given little Jenny some Calpol we had on the shelf... Is she even allowed Calpol?

4) We follow routines for a reason
Without routine, there'd be chaos. Can you really imagine leaving your child in a room with 19 other children and 3 adults for the day, free to run riot and do as they please? Do they do that in school? No. Young as they me be, we are preparing your children for life and what is going to come after their early years education. If the Spanish lesson is on a Friday morning, no we can't hold it off an hour or 2 until you've decided to arrive, it would knock out the whole day. There's a lot to do in 1 day, your children sleep at "sleep time" so they have enough time to do everything else during the day. Want them to have a longer 2.5 hour nap? That's fine but please don't then be alarmed that they missed afternoon garden time and woke up to sit straight at the tea table.

5) We have a lot to do in 1 day
Some people go to work, they sit at a desk maybe get up for a break or 2 and leave. Although that's tiring in its own right, we don't get it that easy. We prepare (sometimes) and provide your children with breakfast, snack, lunch, another snack and tea every day - that's 5 meals! 5x dishing up giving out and supervising 20 bowls of Spaghetti Bolognese! It's a job in itself. In between those 5 meals, we play with your children, change their nappies, change their pants, potty train them, put them to sleep, wake them up again, help them draw that picture you requested at 7:30am this morning, teach them phonics and about shapes, play with them and track their development for you. It's a lot, never mind the "favours" you ask for like finding your child's wellies or writing up a full report of the day. We do know what we are getting ourselves in for when we chose this career, and I'm not complaining, however it may sound. But please understand sometimes we can't find those wellies that day, especially if a regular staff member has called in sick or has taken holiday, we will do it, when we get a chance, we promise.

6) Sometimes, we just can't bond with a child at first
If we've come back from 2 weeks of annual leave to find a new child in class, we are a stranger to that 2.5 foot tall child. If they've been in all day everyday for the last week and a half, they've formed bonds already. It's not to say we'll never bond with that child, but sometimes it takes time. It shouldn't matter, we've all been in the room together, just because she sat on a different adults lap all day doesn't mean I don't know what she's eaten and how she's slept today. We are professional, would you not rather your child warm to someone in their own time, then find them upset they've been forced to spend time with the person they've never met before?

7) Praise goes a long way
As I said in the beginning of this post, working in childcare can suck some days. Most of the time we work 8-6 Monday - Friday with 1 break a day, every week. Let a lone the parents evenings we hold and all the extra reports to write for that, the open days we devote our Saturdays to, the charity events we hold which you attend as well. Sometimes everyone is just so busy that we forget to say thank you to other people, we forget to just let them know they are appreciated. At the last open day I attended, one of the children that had recently left popped in to visit me, his parents told us that I was the best teacher for their child and that they had been blessed to have me as his key worker. They even request I be his brothers key worker when he is eventually old enough to be in my class (a key worker is a 1:1 teacher that specifically tracks your child's development and effectively spends most time with them, teaching them the most). It filled my heart with so much love, I didn't know what to say. Sometimes parents leave at the end of the day and say thank you, or wish us a happy weekend because "we deserve it", comments like these change everything, they lift our moods and wash the bad days we may be having away. A little praise goes a long way and costs nothing.

8) We do genuinely care about and love your children.
No one goes into childcare for the money (harsh but true), there are no huge salaries in our future or luxury retreats, we do this job because we love children. Sometimes we follow a child through learning stages from the time they are 3 months old until they're 5 years old, that's a long time to spend with a child all day everyday, and after that they will inevitably go to school and literally forget who we are. We will literally be an erased memory by the time they are 7. We form bonds with your children, they tell us we are their best friends, we cuddle them when they cry, we wipe the tears away when they graze their knees, and we dance with them while they laugh. We help to teach them right from wrong and sometimes we spend more time with them then you do. Its not something anyone will admit, but we do have "favourites"... So do your children! You'll never know who's who's as (most of us) handle any parent interaction with complete professionalism. Its part of the job really, when you spend 40 hours a week with 20 different children, eventually everyone starts to have preferences. But regardless of preferences, your child is loved, and cared for, all day, every day. 

9) We don't have all the answers
Although a lot of us have been in this industry for a while, we don't know it all. If you need advise on potty training or a child who's a picky eater, that's great, ask away and we'll help you any way we can! But please don't be annoyed when we can't tell you why your child is acting up in a certain home situation when you've already got an appointment with a bloomin' behavioural specialist - you probably don't need that appointment btw, I'm 80% sure your child's just trying to get your attention but I'm no professional psychologist. For a lot of us, we do this job until we have children of our own. A lot of us don't have first hand experiences to fall back on, all we know is what we've learnt on the job, you probably know more then we do in some aspects! 

10) This job is the best of the bunch, and that's because of you
Moans and groans aside, this post could go on for months. At the end of the day, the job we do is great. Bad days can be really bad, awful, but the good days are great. Without you bringing your child to nursery every day, we'd be on different paths, we'd  be bored. Your children provide us with so much love, joy and happiness everyday, any other job would be boring. We also get to work with great teams of people, some days we laugh all day, others we walk around with faces like a slapped arse. I've made friends during my career that I have no doubt will be friends for life, I have memories that I'll never forget and embarrassing stories that could go on for days. Your children's early years are precious and sometimes parents can take their innocence for granted. Put your laptop down and ask your child what their favourite song is. They might reply with "Despacito" and proceed to sing it to you... It happens! You'll love it. 


A career in childcare isn't the easy day job some people think it is. We work just as hard as you may do on a shop floor or in a bank. Appreciate us, like we appreciate you and your children. Sign the registers, pick up on time and take your children out at the weekends. They grow up quickly - that's not just a saying! 

Bonus - We aren't all chocolate fiends. Christmas is coming and although we appreciate all the gifts we receive, there's only so many boxes of chocolates we can get excited over. We also like wine, flowers and bath stuff to. Just saying...


Sunday, 22 October 2017

Influenster x Rimmel London VoxBox

As a makeup enthusiast, there's nothing I like more then trying a new range after its release. I was lucky enough to be sent the new Rimmel London range complimentary from Influenster for review purposes! I've only recently discovered Influenster. So I was pretty impressed that my first VoxBox was from a well known brand like Rimmel! So lets talk about it... 
Where to buy: Superdrug | Boots | Feel Unique

Lasting Finish Breathable Foundation 110

I really like the concept of this foundation. The bottle is smart and simple and you can easily see how much product you're working with. The applicator on this foundation is what really peaked my interest. The lid features a large doe foot applicator meaning there's no need to waste any product pouring it onto a sponge or the back of your hand. Simply swipe the product onto your face and you're ready to blend! This is a medium coverage foundation which can be built up and is easy to blend. It doesn't feel heavy on the skin and when set, lasts all day as a flawless base. I received the lightest shade - Light Porcelain (pale girls unite lalalalalala!). It's a bit more pink toned then I'd usually use but it evens out nicely by the time my makeup is finished!

Lasting Finish Breathable Concealer 001

I also really like the concept of this product. After removing the lid, the end of the packaging features a sponge which also makes for easy and precise application. Squeeze the concealer until you see product coming through on the sponge, apply to desired areas and blend away. I personally always finish with a Beauty Blender after, but that's just because i'm a paranoid wreck. In general, if you're out and about or on the go, all you need is this concealer so you can apply, blend and get on with your day in just a matter of seconds! Again, I went with the lightest shade and its perfect for me. Its a nice coverage that covers spots, blemishes and dark circles quickly and easily! 

(lol I'm super hairy)

Kate Sculpting Palette in Coral Glow

I'm not usually drawn to palettes like this, I get that they're convenient but I usually like to use a different range of products to contour, highlight, blush etc... So trying this was totally new for me! This trio is super handy for putting in your bag if you know you may need to touch up throughout the day. I really like the highlight shade but its not as vibrant as i'd like it to be. For casual everyday makeup looks this could work really well, but I didn't find the colours pigmented enough to use this palette as a staple piece. This could be perfect for makeup beginners though! ... I really like the rose gold packaging! It's so pretty. 

Moisture renew lipstick in Vintage Pink 180

Its not a secret, I'm a bit of a lipstick fiend. I dream of the day I have a room in my house dedicated to the little individual tubes of goodness that house the beautiful colours and formulas inside. I'd never tried the Moisture Renew range before - I'm usually more of a matte girl myself - but I was pleasantly surprised! It didn't feel sticky on the lips and sat really nicely - I barely reapplied! I absolutely love the shade, its great for Autumn and really wearable. I'm definitely going to pick up a few other colours from this range! 


I really enjoyed exploring these products. This is a great range with something for everyone and Rimmel always price their items really well so they are always super affordable! A big thank you to Influenster for sending these products out - I can't wait to see everyone else's thoughts! You can sign up for Influenster here: Click me!


Sunday, 15 October 2017

Love Libby is Back!

Ciao Bella. It's been a long time since I wrote a post here, and for a long time I thought i'd never write a post again. I've never told you I was the most dedicated blogger out there. I get bored of things easily and often "lose my mojo". It happened again back in February and I thought it was gone for good. Luckily, a few weeks ago I began to crave the blogging world again and knew it was time to focus on a come back. 

So whats new?
I got a new job! Previously I worked with Autistic young men in their 20's, supporting them to do independent tasks in their day to day lives... I loved it, we had a laugh every day, my team were great and the boys were such sweet hearts. However, there's only so long you can spend working 24-48 hour shifts including over nights for minimum wage. Unfortunately, after 18 months, my time, patience and passion was dying so I decided it was time for a change. I've gone back to the childcare profession that started my career - something I said i'd never do - and I'm loving it again. Sure, everyday is filled with snotty noses, poo-y nappies and wet pants, but its also filled with smiles, cuddles, "I love you's" and "thank you's". I'm enjoying going to work again and finally feel like the only way is up. 

I lost my best friend. My beloved Granddad passed away. Although it fills me with selfish peace to know he is finally free, my heart is also eternally broken that we'll never hear him sing for us or roller skate along the sea front again.

I've flown the nest! After 5 and a half years, me and D have finally decided to live together. It's taught us a lot and we've learnt things about each other even though we thought we knew it all. There's ups, and downs, but our relationship has survived so many tests over the last few months that moving in together has made us stronger then other. Here's to the next 5 years of tantrums, arguments over dinners and spooning in bed. 

So, whats new on the blog? 
Love Libby has had a new makeover - shoutout to Pipdig for the new theme. I'd been toying with purchasing one for a while and decided to finally bite the bullet. I'm glad I did. I *think* I'm finally happy with how my blog looks... For now (I'm fussy and fickle... I'll probably hate it in a few weeks).

Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat finally all have handles that match. Although "lovelibbyxx" worked for a while, I outgrew those kisses on the end and I'm now finally available in 1 place... Welcome to the world, lovelibbyUK.

Scheduling is done and dusted. I've given up with scheduling, there was a time I thought it was the smartest thing to do. But honestly? It put me under to much pressure. If I ever reached the point that the posts ran out, all I'd do was think about it, then think about not having time to write anything new then think about the fact I wasn't producing any content. It was to much and quite frankly, un-needed stress. 


So here I am, back in the online world, seeing how the blogging life treats me again. It feel's good to be back. 


Monday, 27 February 2017

Create Perfect Curls With John Freida Frizz Ease Range!*

If there's 1 thing that goes in and out of style more often then I have hot dinners, its our hair. From how its styled to the colours we dye it, it is an ever-changing part of life that most of us love to keep up with. We've had the dip dye phase, the balayage phase, the block fringe phase, the structured bob phase, the Blair Waldorf headband phase and the undercut phase to name a few.  I know some people still have these hair styles, but in the past a few have been more hyped then others by everyone and their mothers. So when Zoella discovered her chopstick curler in late 2016, everyone needed curls springy enough to send you to space.

When my hair is in its natural state, it's curly. Just like Zoe's, but messier. My hair is in tight-ish ringlets that look like they've not been brushed in about 3 days. People have always said things like "omg i'd love curly hair", no darling, you probably wouldn't. Because that hair that looks like its not been brushed in 3 days, probably hasn't because...

*Image taken from google.

So yeah, anyway... Even when you have curly hair, you want curly hair - it's one of life's biggest struggles, because to achieve said curly hair, you need to go through the struggle of having straight hair first. And something else that comes with curly hair? Frizzy hair. frizzy hair that sticks out in all directions no matter how long you hold a straightening iron on them. Finally, I've found the perfect products that genuinely do beat the frizz and enable my hair to hold its style through the day. So this, chums, is how I plan to do my hair for the rest of my life *inserts crying/laughing emoji*

Step 1 - In the shower, in the bath, over the tub, however you want too, pick up that amazingly coloured tube of John Freida Forever Smooth Frizz Ease Shampoo you picked up after my amazing not so professional photo's inspired you to buy and squirt that magical angel lotion into your hand. Like with any shampoo, simply run it through your hair and massage until you lather that baby up & feel like a bubbly goddess, preferably while singing Abba as loud as possible.

Step 2 - Next up, its time for another tube of angel tears. The John Freida Forever Smooth Frizz Ease Conditioner, my favourite step. Depending on how much shampoo you used, I'd say use half that much in conditioner. Run this through your hair as well from root to tip (no not just the ends). Now, wait a few minutes for the magic to begin to happen. Before I wash my conditioner out, I usually brush my hair through to make sure there's no tangles and the product is evenly distributed. Whatever you've done, brushed your hair, shaved your legs or cleaned your teeth, now you need to wash the conditioner out and get yo' butt out that bathroom. 

Step 3 - Starting with your hair soaking wet (much like in the above photo), its time to use the John Frieda Frizz Ease Original 6 Effects Serum. Now, the bottle advises using 1 pump - but I use 3. It does advise you to use 1 pump then more if you need to, but I squirted the first 1 pump and felt like there was nothing in my hand so I improvised, and luckily it worked for me. Pump into your hand then rub your hands together so you know you're getting an even amount of product on both hands. Next run your fingers/hands through you're hair (avoiding your roots), and you're ready to style. 

Step 4 - Time to get poker straight. After completely blow drying, I personally use the Remington Keratin Radiance Straightener - I have always been a big Remington fan, they don't break the bank and do a perfect job. I do however feel its about time I explored a different brand. Anyway... I straighten my hair in layers to ensure there's no hidden kinks or balls of frizz lurking anywhere that will later bite me on the bum. 

Step 5 - Time to get curling. I use the BaByliss Ceramic Curling Wand Pro - the barrel size goes from thin to thick so its great for creating different looks. Today I went for the mid curls. Again I do this in layers to create bouncy curls all the way through. So splitting my hair into layers again, wrap my hair around the wand and I hold each curl for around 20 seconds before letting it drop. 

There you are - lovely curled hair that is going to last you all day. My hair feels like silk ribbons, smells great and looks the healthiest it has in a long time. In the above no make up selfies you can tell the difference between leaving the curls as they are and brushing them out for a more wavy effect. We all prefer different styles... Whatever style you feel like going with today, weather it be the curls, the waves or even just keeping your hair straight, John Frieda is on hand to cover your back. I've found that my hair stays in place all day (well at least for the 14 hour shift I did at work). I don't need to worry about my fringe pointing in the wrong direction or someone wanting to take a selfie to find my hair portraying me as a mad scientist. Without sounding dramatic, the Frizz Ease range may have just changed both my life and hair care routine forever.

* A huge thank you to John Freida for sending me out these amazing products to discover! I can't imagine myself using anything else, ever again! I'm really impressed, and so's my mum (lol)! Don't forget to follow @JohnFriedaUK on twitter to find out even more!*

Don't forget to follow me on TwitterInstagram and Bloglovin' for more!


Wednesday, 22 February 2017

So...? Fragrance Body Mist Review*

Gone are the days that we rely on our Charlie Red or Versace Red Jeans cheap but sweet perfumes. Sure, i'm sure some people still use/own them, but unfortunately, we are currently living in the day and age in which a bottle of your favourite perfume can cost you anything in the region of £80-£100! Luckily, So...? have released an alternative that you are going to love, and isn't going to break your bank.

Going back 10 years or so, So...? was the You couldn't turn a corner or walk down a corridor at school without almost choking on the thick cloud of So...? Kiss Me that Sadie had just sprayed, which everyone kept in their inside blazer pocket. The body spray obviously, we weren't classy enough to bring the Eau De Toilette to school. It was every school girls best friend after PE and every school child's life saver on sweaty summer days spent in hot IT classrooms. I remember 1 year, my Christmas list read "So Kiss Me body spray but other flavours", yeah, I called them flavours. So...? Sinful was my fave, and I was the odd one out at 1 point for opting for that over Kiss Me. I'm also 90% sure there was a So...? body spray in a turquoise-blue coloured can which smelt good, but for the life of me can't remember it nor find any trace of it on the internet - did that exist? Or am I making it up? Anyway...

Where to buy: Boots  Superdrug

Fast forward to 2017 and that teen hit brand So...? are still doing things and they've grown up, just like us! I was quite shocked to notice that the So...? Body Spray's are still on the shelves in Boots last year. Shocked, but glad, that they've pulled through. So when I discovered they'd released brand new body mist's, I was pretty shook. 

The body mists are completely different to the body sprays. They're packaged in clear plastic bottles decorated with a graphic to match the scent and the pretty and classic So...? logo. Each bottle contains 100ml of product which all smell #amazeballs. Is amazeballs still a thing? Am I still trendy? The clear and pretty graphic makes each bottle really easy to identify and means there's no faffing about trying to find your favourite. They're bright, vibrant and pleasing to the eye. 

With 6 scents available, there really is something for everyone, the body mists are avaialble in:
Rose Petals
♥White Petals
Pink Grapefruit 

My favourite? I can't decide between the Vanilla and the Watermelon (no surprise really, I'd own watermelon everything if I could). Each of them is great, but everyone always has a favourite (or 2)! Personally, I think the scent's last *most* of the day. However, I do sometimes need to remember that a body mist will never have the staying power that the latest YSL perfume has, and that's okay! These bottles are so cute you can pop them into any handbag to top up if you're not feeling fresh enough! I also find them great to spray on my bed pillows and around the room if i'm just on my way out. Nothing smells better then a watermelon smelling pillow after a long day. 

Overall? I'm impressed! So...? have grown so much as a brand since my changing room days and I'm glad I've re-discovered them! You can pick these bad boy's up in your local Superdrug for just £3.99 each - I don't think that's a particularly outrageous price for so much product that is going to last you a good while! They're also available in Boots - if you're quick you'll get them for half price! 

A huge thank you to everyone at So...? Fragrance and the team behind @BloggingGals for hooking me up with the whole So...? Body Mist range! I'm really impressed, and I think these are going to really compliment everyone this Summer! Don't forget to follow Blogging Gals & So...? to find out even more! 

Don't forget to follow me on TwitterInstagram and Bloglovin' for more!


Saturday, 18 February 2017

Mac Dusky Rose x9 Eye Shadow Palette | Review & Swatches

It's no secret - I don't think (?). I like eye shadow. More like, I'm quite into the eye shadow scene. If I won the lottery, I'd buy every palette on the shelves before anything else. From post's like this one, it's no secret that i'm also a big Mac Cosmetics fan. So when I unwrapped a gift on Christmas day that turned out to be both from Mac, and an eye shadow palette, I couldn't wait to give it a review...

Easy on the eye - I mean come on, it looks soooooooooo pretty - this palette is not all you'd expect. The Dusky Rose x9 palette is a premade palette that retails at £25. Not a bad price tag for a "high quality" palette that you should be able to make multiple looks with. The outer box is classic Mac, sleek black cardboard with white lettering - unless limited edition - you wouldn't expect anything more. The palette itself is plastic packaging, with a clear pull up lid featuring the classic Mac logo, very simple but does the trick.

I wish I could tell you that with all these colours combined, this was the palette of dreams. Unfortunately, I can't. This is quite possibly the worst palette to ever live in my collection. The shadows are very chalky and the pigmentation... to say it's terrible is the understatement of the year. I hate writing negative posts, but when reviewing a product I do have to remind myself that not all produts are going to be something to rave about. I'm really not bashing Mac, in general I love their products. I probably always will. However, after hearing such good things about the palettes you can make yourself with their single shadows, I don't know how they've gone so wrong with their pre-made ones. You physically can not use this palette to create a look. I actually compared it to a Primark pre-made x9 palette and they were pretty much on par. 

I could sit here and talk about every shade and how I like it, like I have here, but I genuinely don't think it's worth my time. When buying a "high end" palette, you expect much much better colour pay off then this. I know that all products need to be tweaked here and there for them to be the best of the best but these have been out a while now and Mac clearly just don't care. Maybe they don't sell enough of them to notice, maybe its on a to-do list or maybe they just don't care, either way, the formula of this is a complete disaster. For the first time in a while, I do not recommend you buying this.

Don't forget to follow me on TwitterInstagram and Bloglovin' for more!

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