Monday, 25 July 2016

The quest for the perfect cat eye | part 1

If you follow me on social media, its more then likely you've known me to complain about winged eyeliner. We aren't all super talented with perfect cat eye flicks every day. I know, I know, practise makes perfect - but seriously!?!?! I have been practising for about 2 years and yet still can barely get them even enough for me to leave the house. So I thought i'd embark on a journey to test all those little tools out there on my winged eyeliner enabling tools wish list. Here is part 1...

Would you believe that 6 months ago these stencils barely existed in the UK? I had seen a few on but was put off by the price - they seemed super epensive for what is essentially a piece of plastic. So I held out, now days you google "eye liner stencils uk" and your search results are endless. So once I discovered these were now available at my fingertips, I placed my order. These were super inexpensive, about £1,50 from Amazon UK - bargain!

I'm aware of the whole "you get what you pay for" saying... However I did not expect what I recieved. Yes, they were stencils which would ideally enable me to apply winged liner... If I had the worlds largest eyes. Literally. Not that I realised at the time, but most websites have a size choice... Not this cheeky seller though. Aparently I got the same stencils that they send out to the BFG's equally BF girlfriend on PR basis'... It was not a good time, and I didn't even realise until I actually came to use them! 

Although I did try to style the sizing out and make it work with both liquid and gel liners, I had to admit defeat. These huge things that were clearly not even based on the size of the human eye (explaining their cheap and chips price) were a huge miss. Gutted - but what did I really expect a miracle?! Next month I think I'll actually opt for a website that offers "small, medium or large". rather then recieve the largest of them all and literally transform myself into a pander. Just call me Nikkie Tutorials! I'll fill you in on that part next month! For now, please, Jesus, someone share with me their liquid liner tips and tricks... Maybe, just maybe, there is a trick in the book I have not tried and failed at yet! 

Ever tried any "eyeliner tools"? If so, which ones have worked for you!? If you liked this post, please like, share and follow me on Bloglovin'- that way you'll never miss out!  Remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more! 



  1. I've never tried any eyeliner stencils before! They are at a great price but I'm not sure whether I would buy them or not. This was a great post lovely!
    -Olivia Xx

    1. Thanks for reading hun, I am determined to get the perfect wing one day!

  2. Im sorry you had a bad experience with what sounded like a good product. It took me a lot of practice to finally get good at using liquid eyeliner. Keep going ;)

    Amy |

  3. I am the worlds worst at eyeliner! Any advice please share everyone. I need to invest in a stencil, but maybe choose the right size. Hehe. Oops.

    Thanks for sharing lovely

    Steph xxxx

    1. haha mine looks like a todler has done it! :( I got a new stencil the other day so part 2 is nearly ready ;) xxx

  4. Ahh that's a shame, so ridiculous that they're so huge! Definitely the key is practice, and finding a tool that works for you as liner brushes vary so much in size and it makes a huge difference!

    Anoushka Probyn - A London Fashion Blog

    1. I have never found a liner brush that has actually worked for me! x

  5. Practice does not make perfect - I've tried and failed so many times I just can't do it :(
    Looking forward to seeing if the smaller ones are worth buying!
    Rhi x

    1. It doesn't does it! I'm glad its not just me! I picked up some other stencils a few days ago so part 2 is on it's way! xxx

  6. Oh no, what a disaster! I hope you manage to find some better stencils somewhere (and I'd like to see where as I am just awful at winging my eyeliner!!)

    Paris x


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