Friday, 10 February 2017

The Body Shop Seaweed Oil Balancing Clay Mask | Face Mask Friday #1

This so, nearly, went up late... But that wouldn't be like me at all, would it?

When I think of The Body Shop, the first thing I think of is the array of scents that great your nostrils as you walk through the door. That, and the thought of "what do I look at first?". Always greeted by a friendly face, no matter what they say to me, I'll always find myself in 1 of 2 places. Either at the face masks or at the body butters. What better way to kick off the Face Mask Friday series with one of my all time favorites from The Body Shop 

Where to buy: The Body Shop

The one i'm talking about in particular is their Seaweed Oil Balancing Clay mask. Designed for oil balancing (my t-zone can be awful!) this fresh feeling mask will make you're skin feel and look as soft as a babies booty. The tub its housed in is sturdy but smart. A simple blue pot, white label and black lid. They knew they didn't need to do anything fancy with this! At just £10 a pop for 100g/ml of product, I do feel its great value and won't break your bank! Before my face mask collection started growing, I was using this at least twice a week and a pot normally lasted me around 2 months. That's a simple £5 a month - not a lot if you ask me! 

This is one of my all time favorite body shop products. A staple of my skin care. As well as balancing my oil fueled t-zone, this mask will battle with you're spots and blemishes, revitalize dry and dull patches and leave you feeling fresh as a daisy. Now when I first picked up this mid-sized pot, I wasn't sold. I wasn't that sold by its appearance either. However, all it took to change my mind was that first use, it was like fireworks went off in my head. I just felt, so... Fresh. I'm now on pot number 3! Rest assured... A little goes a long way, don't waste it! Are you looking for a good cleanse that isn't going to leave you feeling too tight? Then this is for you. I wish I could bath in this and use it 24/7, but that would be a waste! If you find The Body Shop a little pricey, and this one pot will set you back £10. However, I tend to find that using their app and being on their mailing list has always meant I've got at least 1 promo code to use, every order I make. 

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  1. This sounds really nice! I should start using more clay masks since I have really oily skin like all the time
    Kathy x

  2. I'm not going to lie, that face mask looks so gross because it's seaweed! However, if it works, it's worth it! I've just recently started going into the Body Shop to try their make-up but I've never got on with their skincare. I'm glad you've found a product improved for you when you used it more!

    Sian x

  3. Sounds like it does a good job :) Not cheap but great value if it works well x


  4. I adore this face mask so it was really great reading your views and thoughts on it too. It's a really wonderful mask in my opinion, it makes my face feel so fresh and clean. Thanks for sharing lovely! πŸŒΈπŸ’—✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x |

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  6. Additional remedies include Reiki and energy therapy, chiropractic therapy, massage, meditation and visualization, CBD oil cartridges acupuncture, diet and nutrition, exercise, stretching and deep breathing exercises.


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