Monday, 21 November 2016

Makeup mistakes my teenage self is guilty of!

When I think about my life as a teenager, I am pretty much content. I had great friends, a lively social life, I was in everybody's "top friends" on good old Bebo and I drank my fair share of Lambrini wine in the field without my parent's permission. Something I wish I could go back and change however, is how I did my makeup. I shudder at the thought of it, and at the thought of all my friends doing the exact same and us all thinking we were the If only I could tell myself then, what I know now. Today I want to talk about all the mistakes I used to make, which I feel a little guilty about. Not as guilty as my mum should feel though, she let me leave the house whatever was on my face...

The Orange foundation look
I know I'm not the only one to reminisce about this... We were all there, at the same place, at the same time. 3 words: Dream Matte Mousse. If you asked me 10 years ago what my go to foundation was, the answer was without fail would be, "Dream Matte Mousse shade Ivory"! I know this foundation is still available on our shelves but I've not bought it in years and years. And let me tell you something... Back then, the shade "Ivory" was not the colour we'd associate "Ivory" with today! Picture this: orange and patchy with a few particles of your dry skin moved around your face. I know the clues in the name but, it was literally the consistency of an Asda own chocolate mousse pot. Ugh. I could always count on this stuff to leave me a pretty orange line where my face ended and my neck began. Because lets face it, none of us knew we were supposed to be blending down our necks and we all thought we looked like the coolest little Wotsits in town. Also, we used to cover our faces in it using our fingers, who had the time or money for a brush in those days? Pft. 

The white lips look
Whilst on the subject of the beloved Dream Matte Mousse, lets talk about lips. White lips. Foundation covered lips. Yep, again something a lot of us did, whilst applying our foundation to our face, no stone was left un-turned and so we were sure to smear the stuff all over our lips as well. No, we weren't oddly priming them for a lip gloss or something, we just wanted them to be a pale orange toned colour to match our orange toned faces, because at the time, everyone did it and apparently 14 year old boys loved the crusty look. I don't know how any of use kissed any boys, or how the boys we were kissing didn't cringe at how our lips must have felt/tasted... 

The clumpy mascara look
I was a mascara expert. If you wanted to know what a mascara was like, I was the one to come too. Why? I hear you ask. Well, that's because I would wear any 5-7 mascara's at one time. Yeah, you read that right. I loved the spider legs look and at one point, I lived by the more clumps the better. I'd let every coat dry then add another, and another until I was satisfied. Some days I'd even sleep with it on, get up the next morning and add another layer! I was always told I had lovely long eye lashes, which I actually do. However people weren't actually complimenting my lashes, they were complimenting the mixture of Benefit, Rimmel and Maybelline that was hiding them! I tried to recreate this look but I'm still not satisfied with how they came out, they were definitely more spider like back in the day... 

The non-existent eyebrows look
When did eyebrow filling come into fashion? Because I tell you now, it's not something myself or any of my friends ever did. Brow pencils, brow powders and brow gels either didn't exist back then or just weren't advertised. When you smeared your foundation onto your face with your fingers, you didn't even think about your brows. If they looked like they had orange highlights, you wiped it off a bit with a clean finger, but if we could get away with it, we left it! No ones brows were on fleek back in the summer of 2006 and no one cared. Maybe the world was a simpler place back in those days? 

The all over bronzer look
What even was contouring when I was a teen? I had never even heard of it. I don't know if people older then me used to do it and Instagram just didn't exist yet or if it just wasn't done. Either way, it wasn't in my vocab. Bronzer however, was my BFF. After the orange foundation, the crap and very small amount of concealer, on went the bronzer. On it went, everywhere, all over my cheeks, on my chin, my forehead, down my nose, on my cupids bow, everywhere. Imagine sitting in front of a pot of loose bronzing powder, then faceplanting it, that's what we must have looked like! Oh, and it had to be in the darkest shade I could find. I liked the Bourjois chocolate bronzer, you know the one, it smelt like a bar of the good stuff. Fun fact: I'm 95% sure I still have the one I used all those years ago in a draw somewhere...

Image result for bourjois chocolate bronzer
photo taken from Google Images

The pointless concealing phase
This is just a quick one, because I feel like I did use concealer... But I literally have no recollection of it. I don't remember which 1 I used, I don't remember ever going into boots to buy one, I don't remember ever putting it on. If I did use it, it definitely wasn't to brighten my under eye and was 100% only because my friends were doing it and I needed to fit in (lol). Maybe I didn't ever use it? I guess I'll never really know...

Please let me know what makeup mistakes you used to make when you were younger! We could even have a good laugh about them together! 

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  1. I'm glad I didn't wear makeup in high school cause I can only imagine how horrific it would be lol. My early college years were bad enough! Holy cow, 5 to 7 mascaras is a loooot! That's crazy! I'm glad I was too lazy to ever do my eyebrows cause I've heard how impossible they are to grow back. It'll be interesting to read what we think of our current makeup trend 10 or 15 years in the future :)

    Mili | Sharmtoaster

    1. I never thought of that! What if one day, all this contouring we are doing these days will be regarded as "embarrassing" haha! xxx

  2. Haha I can relate to this, especially the orange and the spider lashes, what were we thinking?! x

    1. So glad it wasn't just me with spiders legs coming out of my eyes!

  3. Oh I could write a book about this! But I say that's how we learned to get better at it! And it's more fun to think about later lol. I did white liner and black brows at one point 😬
    XX Jen

    1. Oooooh I must have missed the white liner hype! I love hearing what everyone else used to do haha x

  4. Oh gosh the pitfalls of make up when you're a teenager! I remember a friend wearing this really pale lipstick and she looked terrible wearing it but she thought it looked amazing! x

    1. I think I had a collection of nude lippies! Not like the collection I have now, more like "skin toned" ones haha xx

  5. I made so many of these mistakes too when I was a teenager! I definitely went for the no eyebrows and bronzer all over look

    Eleanor -

    1. Yessssss! Love hearing others did the same! Maybe one day we'll be bronzing our whole faces again haha! x

  6. This is brilliant. I never did the orange foundation or lips as I didn't really like makeup back then (shocker), but my friend did everyone of these, and I think she still does. Arghhhh.

    Love this post
    Steph xx

    Steph's World | Lifestyle Blog |

    1. OH NO! I don't think I could look your friend in the eye knowing this information haha! xxx

  7. I'm guilty of every point haha, great post. - Amy

  8. Useful post about makeup, It’s best to learn from other’s mistakes than to feel the urge to commit one by oneself & then think of learning. I think we’ve all made some of these mistakes to some degree or another. I'm glad that you have shared all these mistakes here.


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