Monday, 27 February 2017

Create Perfect Curls With John Freida Frizz Ease Range!*

If there's 1 thing that goes in and out of style more often then I have hot dinners, its our hair. From how its styled to the colours we dye it, it is an ever-changing part of life that most of us love to keep up with. We've had the dip dye phase, the balayage phase, the block fringe phase, the structured bob phase, the Blair Waldorf headband phase and the undercut phase to name a few.  I know some people still have these hair styles, but in the past a few have been more hyped then others by everyone and their mothers. So when Zoella discovered her chopstick curler in late 2016, everyone needed curls springy enough to send you to space.

When my hair is in its natural state, it's curly. Just like Zoe's, but messier. My hair is in tight-ish ringlets that look like they've not been brushed in about 3 days. People have always said things like "omg i'd love curly hair", no darling, you probably wouldn't. Because that hair that looks like its not been brushed in 3 days, probably hasn't because...

*Image taken from google.

So yeah, anyway... Even when you have curly hair, you want curly hair - it's one of life's biggest struggles, because to achieve said curly hair, you need to go through the struggle of having straight hair first. And something else that comes with curly hair? Frizzy hair. frizzy hair that sticks out in all directions no matter how long you hold a straightening iron on them. Finally, I've found the perfect products that genuinely do beat the frizz and enable my hair to hold its style through the day. So this, chums, is how I plan to do my hair for the rest of my life *inserts crying/laughing emoji*

Step 1 - In the shower, in the bath, over the tub, however you want too, pick up that amazingly coloured tube of John Freida Forever Smooth Frizz Ease Shampoo you picked up after my amazing not so professional photo's inspired you to buy and squirt that magical angel lotion into your hand. Like with any shampoo, simply run it through your hair and massage until you lather that baby up & feel like a bubbly goddess, preferably while singing Abba as loud as possible.

Step 2 - Next up, its time for another tube of angel tears. The John Freida Forever Smooth Frizz Ease Conditioner, my favourite step. Depending on how much shampoo you used, I'd say use half that much in conditioner. Run this through your hair as well from root to tip (no not just the ends). Now, wait a few minutes for the magic to begin to happen. Before I wash my conditioner out, I usually brush my hair through to make sure there's no tangles and the product is evenly distributed. Whatever you've done, brushed your hair, shaved your legs or cleaned your teeth, now you need to wash the conditioner out and get yo' butt out that bathroom. 

Step 3 - Starting with your hair soaking wet (much like in the above photo), its time to use the John Frieda Frizz Ease Original 6 Effects Serum. Now, the bottle advises using 1 pump - but I use 3. It does advise you to use 1 pump then more if you need to, but I squirted the first 1 pump and felt like there was nothing in my hand so I improvised, and luckily it worked for me. Pump into your hand then rub your hands together so you know you're getting an even amount of product on both hands. Next run your fingers/hands through you're hair (avoiding your roots), and you're ready to style. 

Step 4 - Time to get poker straight. After completely blow drying, I personally use the Remington Keratin Radiance Straightener - I have always been a big Remington fan, they don't break the bank and do a perfect job. I do however feel its about time I explored a different brand. Anyway... I straighten my hair in layers to ensure there's no hidden kinks or balls of frizz lurking anywhere that will later bite me on the bum. 

Step 5 - Time to get curling. I use the BaByliss Ceramic Curling Wand Pro - the barrel size goes from thin to thick so its great for creating different looks. Today I went for the mid curls. Again I do this in layers to create bouncy curls all the way through. So splitting my hair into layers again, wrap my hair around the wand and I hold each curl for around 20 seconds before letting it drop. 

There you are - lovely curled hair that is going to last you all day. My hair feels like silk ribbons, smells great and looks the healthiest it has in a long time. In the above no make up selfies you can tell the difference between leaving the curls as they are and brushing them out for a more wavy effect. We all prefer different styles... Whatever style you feel like going with today, weather it be the curls, the waves or even just keeping your hair straight, John Frieda is on hand to cover your back. I've found that my hair stays in place all day (well at least for the 14 hour shift I did at work). I don't need to worry about my fringe pointing in the wrong direction or someone wanting to take a selfie to find my hair portraying me as a mad scientist. Without sounding dramatic, the Frizz Ease range may have just changed both my life and hair care routine forever.

* A huge thank you to John Freida for sending me out these amazing products to discover! I can't imagine myself using anything else, ever again! I'm really impressed, and so's my mum (lol)! Don't forget to follow @JohnFriedaUK on twitter to find out even more!*

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  1. I'm always so jealous of people who have curly hair because mine is poker straight and doesn't hold curls at all! I'm glad you've found a haircare routine that works for you though!

    Sian x

  2. I absolutely love John Frieda products! I won a giveaway of theirs last year and fell in love with their range

  3. You're gonna hate me for saying it but I do wish I had curly hair haha! My hair is so annoying and in between - it's straightish but frizzy! The end result here looks so nice, the curls look so natural and not frizzy at all so these products obviously do the job!
    Amy xx

  4. Your curls really suit you, you look gorgeous! I can only imagine the struggles with naturally curly hair, mine is poker straight unless I have LOOOOOADS of layers cut in, and sometimes it's a pain in the arse even though it's just wavy! Great post m'lovely, lucky you to try out these fab products!

    Abbey 😘

  5. Curls look lovely on you. I have naturally very curly hair and I so wish it was straight, just so I could have a shower and go instead of worrying about looking like Hagrid 20 minutes later haha.

  6. I love your hair curly! I have naturally iron board straight hair I hate it!xxxx

  7. This review is amazing. I am loving your curls too. Think I'm going to have to look into getting this range for my frizz too 😊 Looking beautiful as always 😘

    Steph xx

    Steph’s World | Lifestyle Blog |

  8. I also wanted curly hair, my hair is straight but that awkward straight that flicks with any opportunity!
    Glad you found something that works for you! xox

  9. Your hair is absolutely beautiful! I haven't used john freida products in years but I might have a look for a suitable range for my hair (mine is just thick and boring lol) xx

  10. I've been loving John Frieda products recently, but my hair is naturally straight (though, not poker straight!) and can get a little frizzy. You hair looks amazing straight or curled!

  11. I love your curly hair and it certainly suits you a lot. Mine are darn straight and I wish I had the same curly hair just like you. By the way, the product review is amazing and the end result you mentioned is really awesome. Thanks for your thoughtful post, Libby!

    Skinade Discount
    Love xoxo,


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