Sunday, 16 October 2016

What I'm burning in October! | Yankee Candle review

I love fruity scents in Summer, but I 100% prefer the autumn/winter candle scene. Now that the leaves are falling off the tree's and the air is getting colder we can finally say goodbye to the sweet strawberries and sweet pea scented candles and hello to candy canes, toasted marshmallows and gingerbread! 

Where to buy: Amazon | Debenhams | Yankee Candle

Weather you buy your candles from Tesco, Asda, Primark or Yankee Candle, each brand has such a library of scents available these days it can get a bit over whelming! I personally, am such a candle collector, of course, I have my preferences when it comes to which brands etc, but, if its in front of me, and it smells good, I'm going to buy it. Now my Summer Scoop candle has gone into the cupboard for the rest of the year, lets look at what my bedroom smells like now.. Oh and get ready to view some bad quality photos.. It's dark in the evenings now! 

Fireside Treats - Can I just say, the picture on the label of this candle sold it to me. Why is it that as a child, TV show's filled our minds with images of American best friend's sitting round campfires, toasting marshmallows and singing to a guitar? Is it just me who's childhood didn't include such an experience? I know we tried to roast marshmallows at Brownies one Thursday night but all that silly Owl woman did was burn them. Anyway... This candle is perfect, it's sweet but not sickly but something in there also reminds me of a woody/fire-y smell as well - I guess that's the whole "toasted" side of things as in toasted marshmallow. It's fragrance is really strong, filling a room for hours after being blown out. A lot of people burn this all year round/during the summer but for me, its more an autumnal scent. Bring the outdoors, inside and relax to a warm home-y scent. Also, this burns like a dream. For me, I can't stand if a candle doesn't burn evenly. Burning for around 3-4 hours left me with a completely even pool of wax on the top of it. 

Black Cherry - Black Cherries are one of my favourite fruits. I always laugh about the first time I tried one and had no idea they contained stones, I think I'm quite lucky I didn't break any teeth that afternoon! For many, this is a total summer scent but I find that after a few hours this just reminds me of a soft winter smell. That said, I do see it as the kind of candle you can burn all year round and it won't seem out of place. It's not a super fresh smelling candle, its more like warmed cherries, almost like a cherry jam and isn't too sweet. Every now and then you'll also get a woft of Vanilla which is nice. Again, its a candle that burns evenly and you don't end up with melted wax here there and everywhere which is always a winner for me. 

Red Apple Wreath - I've actually owned this for about 4 years but only really "discovered" it last winter. It's not my favourite smell, and I feel it was a lot more "spicey"/"cinnamon-y" then I thought it would, but you do get used to it. I'd hoped it would smell a bit fresher then it does, but I suppose that's me still thinking with my summer head on. The cinamon notes in this mean I wouldn't burn it in the spring or summer. Although I don't find the scent to be 149022% amazing, it is really strong. This will leave your room smelling for about a day after, for that reason alone I don't burn this is a confined room e.g. a bedroom. I tend to have this in a hall way or in the lounge. If you're not sure on the smell I'd definitely recommend picking up a few wax melts first, or a votive so you can make your mind up, because as we all know, a candle that you dislike the smell of can often seem quite expensive. Unfortunately this doesn't burn completely evenly like the others and the wax has dipped quite a bit in the centre. In short, I don't burn this because I enjoy it, I've been burning this because It's strong in scent and i'd rather have a scented room then a boring one. 

What candles are you burning through Autumn 2016?! I'd love if you'd let me know in the comments below! 

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  1. I love Fireside Treats, it is such an awesome candle for Autumn. At the moment, I'm burning a Sweet & Salty Caramel tart from Yankee and it makes my house smell good enough to eat! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    1. Oooooooooh - I really wanna smell that one! x

  2. I also love wintery scents more than summery scents. All of these sound like they smell fab! I'm currently working my way through a small haul of bath & body works candles but it looks like I should def check out yankee candle too :)

    Mili | Sharmtoaster

    1. I've never had a BBW candle - or BBW anything for that matter! Super jealous!!

  3. I really want to try the Black Cherry candle. It sounds amazing, but I usually have candles at my boyfriends house (I can't trust my cats around them) and he hates Cherry's. The boy needs sorting out! I think I may be able to get him to agree with the Apple one though.

    Thanks for sharing as always
    Steph xx

    Steph's World | Lifestyle Blog |

    1. I must admit, my mr isn't that keen but quite likes the scent of the candle so you never know what you'll get away with! xxx


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