Thursday, 18 August 2016

The lipsticks I've been loving over the last few weeks | review

Hello, beautiful! I hope you're well! I apologise for my absence but again, I am back! I seem to keep getting into this continuous cycle of being on the ball and then losing my mojo. I am hoping as this post graces your screens I am back for good!

So, once again, lets talk lipstick. In a world made up of high end and drug store, the lipstick world is ever growing with new ranges, finishes and colours being released every other week. I'm not overly keen on trying "new" ranges! I like what I like. However, I am aware that you can't know what you like without putting yourself out there every now and then! So when I popped into boots a few weeks ago and the lippies started chanting my name, I gave in and picked 2 up. 

These are from the L'Oreal Paris Color Riche line, and for once they are 2 colours with a difference! If you've been reading Love, Libby for a short while now you may have noticed all of my lipsticks have quite a "boring" packaging. I am one of those people that won't buy a product if I don't like the packaging and it all needs to match. I love the rose gold bullets that are floating around but they aren't going to fit in well with all my other black ones. So obviously, these lipsticks were no exception to the rule!  Their sleek matte black bullets are detailed with gold font and a trim around the middle. It's simple, its easy but super pretty! Winning. L'Oreal products are always smart and easy on the eye. 

L'Oreal have released 3 "exclusive" collections within the color riche range - nudes, pinks & reds. So I picked up 1 pink and 1 nude. Obviously, I felt a serious sense of accomplishment that I'd pushed myself to pickup lipsticks from 2 different lines! I was queening all the way to the till.  I picked up J.Lo's Nude which is literally such a perfect colour and Helen's Delicate Rose which is quite a bit lighter in colour! 

J.Lo's Nude - I obviously had to pick this up, Jennifer Lopez is one of the hottest chikka's on the planet! this is the perfect nude, you can wear this morning noon and night. Oh, by the way, it look's lovely with a little bit of gloss over the top for a night out! Are you a gloss person? I kind of am, kind of not. I'm undecided! This colour is a lovely warm beige-ish pink with a mauve undertone that will suit any skin tone! Something I wasn't expecting, was how sheer the product is. I knew it wasn't matte, but there's sheer, then there's... The coverage is lovely for the first hour or so but does need re-applying quite reguarly! I personally don't mind this as it is such a pretty colour. It feels super moisturing and feels like butter, this won't dry your lips out at all but the formula could just do with being a bit thicker! The colour applies smoothly with an even finish meaning you won't ever have to worry about any patchyness if you're applying on the go. 

Helen's Delicate Rose - This is not a "me" colour at all, really, I don't know what compelled me to buy it. I like proper nudes and this is by far the lightest in colour lipstick that I own! The first few times I used this, I wasn't sold. Again, it is super sheer but also super iridescent! The pigmentation on this is there, but as its so light in colour it's not crazy! It's more of a lip pick me up more then a bold colour - it's really subtle and I think it'll suit almost anyone! It's not as bright and light as it looks in the bullet! If you're not brave enough to use this colour alone, you can always use it to lighten any regular lipstick you've got laying around! I actually mainly use it to create an ombre lip with the J.Lo's nude! Like above, this does need re-applying quite regularly so if your a swipe a day gal, you may hate this! The formula is really soft and creamy though, again, non drying.

L'Oreal seem to hit the nail on the head with whatever they release and these lipsticks are no exception! I am desperate to now accumulate that all over time so keep your eyes pealed for more posts like this! 

What are your favourite L'Oreal makeup products? If you liked this post, please like, share and follow me on Bloglovin'- that way you'll never miss out!  Remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more! 



  1. Oh my gosh these look stunning! So many people say how much they love this lippy range but some how I haven't yet tried them. Beautiful photography!<3
    FloralsAndCoralsx//Our Blog

    1. It's a lovely range! I keep meaning to pick up more!

  2. These look really pretty, I really like J.Lo's Nude, it really is the perfect nude

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have the 'Eva' shade from this collection and it is my most worn lipstick by far! They're all so wearable, I'll have to pick these two shades up too! XO

    Haze //

  5. How have I not seen these yet?! The packaging is beautiful and J'Los nude is my perfect colour!

  6. Hi Libby,

    I am going to try and leave a comment for this post one more time as the first one was unsuccessful :(

    That JLO Nude looks amazing I definitely need to go and give that a swatch next time in boots it looks like the perfect nude.

    I have one of these lipsticks from the previous years collection I think it was, it was when Blake Lively and Eva Longoria had their collections out and I just fell in love with Blakes pure red.

    You actually reminded mw that I have not worn it in forever so I need to start wearing that again :)

    I don't really wear that much L'oreal make up but I do love this blake lipstick, the telescopic mascara and the true match foundation.

    I can't wait to read more of your posts I love finding new blogs to read and I am also following on bloglovin .


    1. I have the Blake lippy toooo and I looooove it! Thank you for your kind words lovely I think I have followed you back!

  7. I haven't tried lipstick from loreal before but ive heard so much about them and they sound great. J Lo's nude is like my dream nude shade x
    - Alice

  8. I like the look of both these shades,they're gorgeous.Having to re-apply could be a pain but if they aren't patchy when reapplied its shouldn't be too much hassle.Great post X


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