Thursday, 5 January 2017

Sensodyne True WhiteToothpaste Review*

When you first meet someone - weather it's in a shop, at a bar or on a Tinder date - what do you notice first? Is it their hair? The colour of their eyes? The colour of her lipstick? The shoe's he's put on that day? For me, like many others, it's their teeth! A persons smile can shape their face so much, it's like a science. My whole life - well, the first 20 years of my life, I hated my teeth! They were discoloured and sensitive and if i'm honest, it was just a complete ball ache. I tried so many different products before settling on the Sensodyne True White toothpaste that I could be a toothpaste blogger.So when a Sensodyne package landed on my door step, it felt like fate! 

Ah, Winter, the perfect weather/lighting to ruin your photo's. Thanks pal.

My teeth haven't always been sensitive. Not until my braces came off, but i'll get to that in a moment... Growing up, I didn't have horrible teeth, but they were gappy (thanks dad). My teeth were straight and pretty white, but my top front teeth were separated with a gap so large I could turn my tongue on its side and play peekaboo in a mirror. Of course, people noticed, and after starting at an *average* UK secondary school, it wasn't long before people started making comments. I am that girl from Mean Girls, who's friend called her a gap toothed bitch! Literally. No worries though, my prayers were shortly answered when the orthodontist cemented the beloved "train track" braces, that many of us lived with, to my teeth. Fast forward 2.5 years (even though they said i'd only have them on for 8 months... It was a big gap!), and my teeth were white, straight and literally picture perfect. Teachers complimented me and shop assistants noticed my smile. I was on cloud 9, I even got a new boyfriend that week! *inserts laughing emoji*. 

...Let's fast forward again though, to the summer time. The time of year where it's too hot to move and the only thing any teenager wants to eat is ice cream. As I took the first spoon full of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food in my mouth, I did not anticipate the sensation I felt. Now i'm no dentist and I can't tell you why my teeth had become sensitive, I could google it, but so could you! All I knew was that they weren't before braces, and now, they were. My dentist recommended I tried countless different toothpastes/mouthwashes to help but none of them really did  much, I saw Sensodyne advertised on the TV one day, and wondered if it did what it said on the tin. I've never looked back since! 

Where to buy: Boots | Superdrug | Tesco | Ocado | Notino

My favourite things about using Sensodyne True White:

Whitens teeth without harming them at the same time.
♥Doesn't weaken your teeth or make your gums bleed! 
Removes any stains on your teeth. Perfect for a coffee lover.

Sensodyne is an ultra-low abrasion toothpaste so it's not going to do any damage while you're using it. It's not everyday that a toothpaste that is designed to care for sensitive teeth, does actually gently whiten them over time as well! Like most toothpastes, the directions are pretty basic. Brush twice a day (no more then 3 times a day!), try not to swallow it and then spit. It took about 2 weeks for me to start noticing my teeth becoming whiter and whiter. After those 2 weeks my sensitivity had almost seemed to vanish as well. So silly me, I stopped using it - I thought i'd been cured! I was wrong and after a short while the sensitivity was back with a vengeance and I was kicking off like a stroppy child. I couldn't even remember why, and then I saw it in the corner of my eye and realised it was because I'd changed my toothpaste! Urgh! So I went back to Sensodyne and all was right with the world again. My mouth felt a lot fresher afterwards as well, which is a feeling you can't beat! 

The only issue with Sensodyne? It can be a bit pricey! However, I've noticed that somewhere, it's normally on sale! I don't really think paying £5-£6 for a toothpaste is really that outrageous when its going to benefit you so much! You wouldn't scrimp and save on toilet roll would you? So why would you when it comes to toothpaste?! Don't just suffer tooth sensitivity, no one wants to be that person sat at the table making funny faces throughout dessert - just take the proper care and enjoy that pudding, slay the ice cream shelves, slay the vodka slushies you want to drink! I've been using Sensodyne for about 3 years now and it's my favourite brand - I don't recommend anything else! 

*Disclaimer - I was kindly gifted this tube of Sensodyne True White Toothpaste as part of there Kissmas kit by Pegasus PR (thanks again guys!). However, all views and opinions stated are my own.*

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  1. I've never tried sensodyne but if it's good for coffee lovers I probably should!
    Amy xx

  2. I really struggle to find a decent toothpaste and I've been using Oral B for a while. I've liked Sensodyne in the past but I might have to give this one a try!

    Sian x

    1. I like Oral B as well, but nothing tops this one!

  3. I'm so fussy when it comes to toothpaste! I must give this a go. I've been using oral b for some time now and love it


    1. I think I'll always go back to this one!

  4. I have just bought a new electric toothbrush and thought about getting a new toothpaste, so I am going to give this one a go... thanks... great post!! xxx

    1. Glad to help! I've been looking into buying a new electric brush for a while now!

  5. Oh I do love sensodyne! I've never had a bad word to say about them. It's true, one of toothpastes is almost always on offer at some shop but like you said, if we don't cry over toilet roll prices, we shouldn't complain about toothpaste prices. Great review x

  6. I've been looking for a new toothpaste so may have to give this one a try! Great review :) xxx

  7. I really need to try this as I have light staining due to fizzy drinks as a child (Wish I'd listen to my parents now!). I hope it works for me

    - Emily xx

    1. I'm terrible with fizzy drinks, just can't give them up! This will work wonders on any stains!

  8. I've never tried Sensodyne before but I'm always looking for ways to improve my smile! I had braces for 2 years so now I love being able to show my teeth off properly! Thanks for writing such a great in-depth review!

    Abbey 😎

    1. Thanks for reading, Abbey! Maybe you should check this out, I couldn't be without it! x


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